Paperie Sheep

fresh & modern hand crafted stationery

Hello Sunshine

Henry1 Comment
I have been under the weather the last couple of weeks along with my almost 14 months old daughter with some flu-like symptons, it was almost impossible to even function normally, needless to say to feel good. I needed something to lift my spirits so I turned to card making for some much needed comfort. 

I love greeting cards that are simple in design, clear on the message, and festive on the color. I love having large blank spaces on the card, because I believe when the stock is beautifully made, it should be appreciated rather than covered up. I once heard, "If the paper itself is beautiful, don't ruin it with so-called design, let the paper speak for itself. If the paper is not good enough to stand alone, leave it." 

I couldn't have agreed more.

I always enjoyed being greeted with "Hello Sunshine!" by a friend or a cashier at the Trader Joe's, not only it is super cute, it is also very cheery to hear. It has never failed to put a smile on my face.

I liked it so much that I couldn't resist to make another one in warm red. I could probably make one (or two) in every color of the rainbow, but I ran out of materials.